After what seems like six months of planning, I’m off to Australia Thursday afternoon for two weeks of exploring and lots of train watching. It may seem silly to journey halfway across the world and spend most of your time watching trains, but that’s the strange affliction I sometimes succumb to. I’ll be traveling with my friend and fellow dispatcher Lance Lassen, who shares my sometimes-too-intense interest in Australian railways. We’ll be spending our time in New South Wales; it’s a big place and two weeks will be eaten up pretty easily. I’m guessing it won’t be all trains—hopefully we’ll have a bit of time to get a glimpse of the beautiful Sydney harbour, visit one of the city’s oldest pubs, and take in a National Rugby League match in a legendary old stadium on the outskirts of downtown Sydney.
If the Gods of Wi-Fi allow it, I’ll be posting updates here when I can.
Can't wait to see the pictures! Hope your trip is amazing!!!