Even my four-year-old knows what this means: Don't let your child chase a bumblebee into a bucket of water. . .
It's not enough, in our semi-literate, often multi-lingual society, to merely warn people that high-voltage hazards exist inside that green utility box over there on the corner. Instead, such warnings are often communicated using pictographs, dispensing the need in most cases for words to make the point.
Often, the graphical warnings are straight forward. Sometimes, they're inspired in the over-the-top depiction of the horrors the await those who don't heed their warnings. And sometimes, they're just pretty damned funny.
Here's a few from my collection:
Burning to death, to me at least, must be one of the most horrible ways to go. And here's two treatments of exiting a building that on fire:

Here's the cool, calm building dweller calmly leaving the scene of a fire (my guess is he's the guy who started the fire and he's trying not to call too much attention to himself). . .

. . .and this guy here is me, getting the HELL OUT as quickly as possible.

Here the artist assumes his work isn't clear enough without the written elaboration. This seems like a particularly awful situation.

You never know when death in the form of an electrical jolt will strike you down. This one is pretty self-explanatory, with little additional flourish. . . .

. . while this sign really anthropomorphizes electricity as a demon that could scare the hell out of you. It's about as far as you can get from the friendly image of Reddy-Killowatt.
I particularly like this one for the "whimsical horse-play gone awry" it implies. And look at the detail work! The "boink" marks on the ground, as well as the dent the poor unfortunate's head makes on the earth elevates this warning sign above the strictly pedestrian.

This doesn't look like much fun, does it! Getting crushed by a tractor as it rolls over on top of you down a hill is a particularly awful way to die.

It would seem to make sense to keep out of the way of automatic gates, but I suppose some horrible and gruesome death in the past necessitated this sign. . .
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